Students and TIMS
"....Students are able to patch together
complete systems whose performance closely matches the textbook theory....(they)
find them (TIMS) most instructive for illuminating general principles in
analog and digital communications and signal processing."
Acting head of ElectronicsEngineering
and Applied Physics
University of Canberra
Teaching with TIMS
"...instructors can immediately demonstrate
comcepts in response to student questions. There is an immediate "learning
by doing"....We have found the TIMS trainers to be very effective teaching
tools with great versatility, particularly the fact that in-house modules
can easily be developed and added....We regrettably have far less time
available than there are TIMS experiments to do in the Signal Theory class."
Professor of Electrical Engineering
University of Technology, Sydney
The TIMS Concept in Research
"I have found the building blocks (approach)
very useful in some research apllications...With TIMS you are able to convey
reality : Ihave seen conceptual difficulties virtually vaporize within
seconds of a demonstration...In a feasibility study for a high speed modem,
we saved valuable time by using TIMS modules to provide temporary functions
and to explore options in the development of the breadboard prototype."
Dr.R.Radzyner - Senior Lecturer
Dept of Communications - University
of New South Wales
TIMS - A Quality Product
"We consider the quality and construction
of this equipment to be of the very highest standard and they have proven
to be completely reliable."
The University of Queensland